2024/25 - Safe Communities Grant - Round Two

This is a preview of the 2024/25 - Safe Communities Grant - Round Two form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Safe Communities - Domestic and Family Violence Grant

The Safe Communities - Domestic and Family Violence Grant funds community organisations and groups to deliver primary prevention initiatives targeting the underlying drivers of domestic and family violence to prevent violence before it happens. This grant is open twice a year (please note that the total funding amount will be available in the first round, and if expended round two will not occur) – see penrith.city/grants for relevant dates.

Please note, the Safe Communities - Domestic and Family Violence Grant is a pilot program which will run for three years up to June 2027.

All proposed activities must align with principles of access, inclusion, and equity. 

We encourage applications from First Nations groups and organisations, and those that support and celebrate First Nations individuals, communities and culture in Penrith.    

Before completing the application form, please ensure you read the Guidelines in full. Should you have any questions or require assistance please contact the Community Safety team 4732 7777 or community.safety@penrith.city. 

Please note: an organisation may only submit two grant applications per grant round, unless acting as an auspice. Applicants that possess the same ABN will be regarded as coming from the same organisation. This form is designed to be filled out by the auspicee, not the organisation acting as the auspice. Please contact Council if your auspice arrangement stipulates that the auspicor should complete the application form.